Yang belum pernah dengerin lagu ini coba dengerin deh! di jamin bakal muterin berulang-ulang kali :D
sama kayak gua, setiap mau tidur pasti wajib dengerin ini lagu XD Sampe-sampe ada yang di pake buat nada alarm :D
It’s a cozy Christmas Eve at the
Stahlbaum’s house.
Their house is decorated with Christmas ornaments,
wreaths, stockings, mistletoe and in the center of it all,
a majestic Christmas tree. As the Stahlbaum’s prepare for their annual
Christmas party, their children, Fritz and Clara,
wait anxiously for their family and friends to arrive.
When the guests finally appear, the party picks up with dancing and
celebration. A mysterious guest arrives dressed in dark clothing, nearly
frightening Fritz, but not Clara.
Clara knows he is Godfather Drosselmeyer, the toymaker.
His surprise arrival is warmly accepted and all the children dance and carry on
with laughter.
The celebration is interrupted again when Drosselmeyer reveals to the children
that he has brought them gifts.
The girls receive beautiful china dolls and the boys receive bugles. Fritz is
given a beautiful drum, but Clara is given the best gift of all, the
Nutcracker. Fritz grows jealous, snatches the Nutcracker from Clara and plays a
game of toss with the other boys. It isn't long until the Nutcracker breaks.
Clara is upset, but Drosselmeyer fixes it with a handkerchief. Drosselmeyer’s
nephew offers Clara a small make-shift bed under the Christmas tree for her
injured Nutcracker.
The party grows late and the
children become sleepy.
Everyone generously thanks the Stahlbaum’s before they leave. As Clara’s family
retires to bed, she checks on her Nutcracker one last time and ends up falling
asleep under the Christmas tree with the Nutcracker in her arms.
At the stroke of midnight Clara
wakes up to a frightening scene. The house, the tree and the toys seem to be
getting larger.
Is she shrinking? Out of nowhere large mice dressed in army uniforms, lead by the
Mouse King, begin to circle the room while the toys and Christmas tree come to
Clara’s Nutcracker groups the soldier toys into battle formation and fights the
mouse army. The Mouse King traps the Nutcracker in the corner, but the
Nutcracker can’t overcome the Mouse King’s strength. Clara makes a desperate
move to save her Nutcracker from defeat and throws her slipper at the Mouse
King. She hits him directly in the head! The Nutcracker is able to overcome the
stunned Mouse King and claims victory.
The mice army quickly carries away their King.
Clara falls onto the Nutcracker’s bed, over-whelmed by the moment. As angels
and delightful music hover over their heads, the bed turns into a magical
sleigh, floating higher and higher.
The Nutcracker is transformed into a human prince (who looks strikingly similar
to Drosselmeyer’s nephew).
He gets on Clara’s sleigh and drives through a snowy forest where the
snowflakes turn into dancing maidens.
After their magical journey through the snow forest, they come to their
destination in the Land of Sweets. Clara can’t believe her eyes; ladyfinger
mountains topped with whipped cream whiter than snow, sweetly glazed flowers
and butter-cream frosting everywhere she looks. Upon their arrival, they are
greeted by the Sugar Plum Fairy. As they reenact the night’s events,
the Sugar Plum Fairy becomes impressed with Clara’s bravery and the
Nutcracker’s heroism. In their honor, the Sugar Plum Fairy takes them inside
the Candy Castle and throws a lavish festival. They are treated like royalty
and presented with every imaginable sweet. Shortly thereafter, the dancing
Hot coco dances to the lively music of trumpets and castanets of the Spanish
fandango. The women of coffee dance in veils and move their bodies like rising
steam to an Arabian song, while Mandarin tea dances to an exotic Asian flute
Matroishkas (Russian dolls) follow the Mandarin tea leaping and dancing to an
invigorating Russian Trepak.
To Clara’s enjoyment there is still more to be seen.
A giant gingerbread house, known as Mother Ginger, dances onto the Sugar Plum
Fairy’s court. She opens her skirt and eight little gingerbread children come
dancing out circling around her.
After the Mirliton dance is over, the children quickly file back into the large
gingerbread house and Mother Ginger leaves the room. Soon after Mother Ginger
exits, the dancing flowers enter to the tune of the harp. Perhaps the most
beautiful waltz she has ever heard, Clara and the Nutcracker Prince watch with
amazement. The flowers dance in beautiful mesmerizing patterns as a single
Dewdrop floats above them.
Silence quickly follows the end of their dance. Clara doesn’t know what to
expect next. A handsome Cavalier enters the scene and escorts the Sugar Plum
Fairy to the center of the room. They dance to the most recognizable song in
the entire work. The captivating pair dance lighter than air.
This beautiful dance completes Clara’s most perfect evening.
The festival concludes when everyone comes together on the court and bids Clara
and the Nutcracker Prince farewell.
She tells the Nutcracker she wishes the adventure would never end and he tells
her it won’t for those who have an eye to see it. Clara wakes up the next morning under the
Christmas tree with her Nutcracker still in her arms.
Once there was a wolf who was
nearly dead with hunger. He was very thin, so that the outline of his bones
could be seen clearly beneath his thinning coat of hair. With hardly enough
energy to walk, the wolf had little hope of finding food. As he lay beneath a
large tree, a dog out for a walk noticed him. Seeing how thin and hungry
looking the wolf was, the dog felt sorry for him and said, “You are in terrible
shape! You look as if you haven’t eaten for many days.”
“You’re right,” said the wolf. “I
haven’t eaten because you and your friends are doing such a good job of
guarding the sheep. Now I am so weak that I have little hope of finding food. I
think I will surely die.”
“Then why not join us?” Asked the
dog. “I work regularly and I eat regularly. You could do the same. I will arrange
it. You can help me and the other dogs guard the sheep. In that way, we won’t
have to worry about your stealing the sheep any more and you won’t have to
worry about going hungry any more. It’s a good deal for both of us.”
The wolf thought it over for a
few minutes and then decided that the dog was right. So they went off together
toward the ranch house where the dog lived. But, as they were walking, the wolf
noticed that the hair on a certain part of the dog’s neck was very thin. He was
curious about this, for the dog had such a beautiful coat every where else.
Finally, he asked the dog about it.
“Oh, don’t worry about that,”
said the dog. “It’s the place where the collar rubs on my neck when my master
chains me up at night.”
“Chained up!” cried the wolf, “Do
you mean that you are chained up at night? If I come to live with you, will I
be chained up at night too?”
“That’s right,” answered the dog.
“But you’ll get used to it soon enough. I hardly think about it anymore.”
“But, if I am chained up, then I
won’t be able to walk when I want to take a walk or to run where I want to
run,” the wolf said. “If I come to live with you, I won’t be free anymore.”
After saying this, the wolf turned and ran away.
The dog called after the wolf, saying, “Wait!
Come back! I may not be able to do everything I want to do, but I’m healthy,
well-fed, and I have a warm place to sleep. You are too worried about keeping
alive to enjoy life. I’m more free than you are.”
Perkembangan kegiatan filateli saat ini khususnya di
Propinsi Bali sudah semakin meningkat seiring dengan meningkatnya pemahaman
masyarakat tentang manfaat benda-benda filateli. Namun di satu sisi dalam
situasi perekonomian yang sulit dewasa ini ditambah dengan situasi sosial
politik yang belum begitu kondusif juga mempengaruhi aktivitas kegiatan
filateli. Ancaman dari kegiatan-kegiatan negatif seperti Narkoba senantiasa
menghantui para generasi muda dan khususnya para remaja yang perkembangan
emosinya masih labil. Setiap hari kita mendapat kabar baik dari televisi maupun
surat kabar bahwa korban dari penyalahgunaan narkoba semakin meningkat dan ini
tentu sangat merisaukan bagi kita semua karena di tangan generasi muda letak masa
depan bangsa ini.
Untuk itu dalam rangka membentengi para generasi muda
khususnya remaja dari pengaruh Narkoba dan kegiatan negatif lainnya maka
dipandang perlu diselenggarakan kegiatan yang mampu menggugah semangat dan
kreativitas generasi muda. Kegiatan Filateli sebagai sebuah kegiatan positip
bagi remaja merupakan contoh kegiatan yang mesti dilakukan secara kontinyu.
Filateli bermanfat dalam menambah pengetahuan dan wawasan tentang ilmu
pengetahuan, sejarah, budaya maupun lingkungan hidup. Filateli juga menambah
wawasan dan memupuk persahabatan antar bangsa dan budaya melalui kegiatan
tukar-menukar koleksi atau korespondensi. Filateli juga memupuk kemampuan
berbahasa asing dan cross culture understanding. Filateli juga dapat
memupuk sifat positip diantaranya rajin, tekun, disiplin, tabah dan ulet
melalui kegiatan perawatan benda-benda filateli. Filateli juga dapat memupuk
semangat menabung di kalangan remaja karena sejak dini filateli mengajarkan
cara berwira usaha.
Untuk lebih memperkenalkan filateli di kalangan masyarakat
serta meningkatkan pemahaman masyarakat tentang kegiatan filateli maka
Perkumpulan Filatelis Indonesia akan menyelenggarakan Pameran Regional Filateli
yang bertajuk BALI ECOPHILEX 2003 bertempat di Balai Budaya Kabupaten Gianyar tgl
6 - 8 Juni 2003. Pameran ini dilaksanakan bekerja sama dengan PT. Pos Indonesia
serta instansi-instansi terkait.
A. Umum : Melalui kegiatan filateli kita tingkatkan
kreativitas generasi muda dalam turut mensukseskan pembangunan nasional
B. Khusus : Melalui Kegiatan Filateli kita tingkatkan
kepedulian terhadap lingkungan hidup
Mempromosikan segala aspek filateli di Bali pada umumnya dan Kabupaten Gianyar
pada khususnya.
Memperluas dan mengembangkan ikatan persaudaraan dan kerjasama yang erat antar
filatelis se- Propinsi Bali.
3.3. Memperkenalkan kepada masyarakat luas mengenai
perkembangan filateli dalam seluruh aspeknya.
Meningkatkan studi, pengetahuan dan riset filateli melalui koleksi yang
3.5. Membangkitkan minat filatelis untuk mengikuti kompetisi
filateli dan berprestasi didalamnya.
Menunjukkan kepada masyarakat umum khususnya kaum generasi muda di Gianyar,
bahwa filateli merupakan sarana pendidikan, memperkaya khazanah nilai budaya,
bersifat historis, serta daya tariknya sebagai suatu kegemaran universal yang
menyenangkan dan bersifat aktif rekreatif.
Memperingati Hari Lingkungan Hidup Sedunia
ACARA ( Tempat & Waktu Acara )
1..Pameran Regional Filateli PARFILA GIANYAR 2003 yang
"BALI ECOPHILEX 2003" diikuti oleh filatelis
1.Rapat Tahunan Daerah PFI Bali tahun 2003
2.Pelatihan Filatelis Remaja se-Bali
3.Lomba Mewarnai Prangko Tingkat TK dan SD
4.Lomba Menata Prangko Tingkat SLTP
5.Penyuluhan Filateli
6.Bursa dan Lelang Filateli
Pameran Regional Filateli PARFILA GIANYAR 2003 bertajuk BALI
ECOPHILEX 2003 yang merupakan pameran yang dilombakan atau dikompetisikan dan
diikuti oleh para filatelis remaja se-Bali. Disamping itu juga menampilkan
koleksi filateli dari para filatelis senior seperti Koleksi The Penny Black,
Raja Willem ,Surat-Surat Tempo Dulu dan Koleksi Tema Lingkungan Hidup /
Tempat : Balai Budaya Kab. Gianyar
Waktu : 6-8 Juni 2003
Waktu : Pukul 09.00-21.00
Merupakan agenda tahunan PD PFI Bali yang diikuti oleh
utusan Pengurus Cabang dari semua Kabupaten se-Bali serta instansi terkait
seperti P.T. Pos Indonesia dan Dinas Perhubungan.
Tempat : Balai Budaya Kab. Gianyar
Waktu : 6 Juni 2003
Jam : 14.00-selesai
Tempat : Balai Budaya Kab. Gianyar
Tgl : Sabtu, 7 Juni 2003
Waktu : Jam 09.00 - 16.00
Materi : Teori Filateli , Praktek Penyusunan Koleksi
Lomba ini diselenggarakan untuk memberikan sarana belajar
dan bermain bagi para siswa TK dan SD sehingga kegiatan filateli makin dikenal
dan dihayati.
Tempat : Balai Budaya Kab. Gianyar
Hari/Tgl : Sabtu dan Minggu, 7-8 Juni 2003
Jam : 09.00-11.30
Diikuti oleh para siswa SLTP se-Kota Gianyar
Tempat : Balai Budaya Kabupaten Gianyar
Hari/Tgl : Sabtu, 7 Juni 2003
Jam : 09.00-11.30
Penyuluhan Filateli diselenggarakan untuk meningkatkan
pemahaman masyarakat tentang manfaat filateli dalam arti yang seluas-luasnya.
Tempat : Balai Budaya Kabupaten Gianyar
Hari/Tgl : Jumat-Minggu, 6-8 Juni 2003
Waktu : 09.00-11.00
Bursa dan Lelang Filateli menyediakan benda-benda filateli
baik yang baru diterbitkan maupun koleksi-koleksi lama baik dari dalam negeri
maupun dari luar negeri.
Terlampir )
Terlampir )
Demikian Proposal kegiatan ini
dibuat sebagai usulan kegiatan PARFILA BALI ECOPHILEX 2003 untuk menjadi
pertimbangan dalam penyelenggaraan kegiatan. Oleh karena itu kami sangat
mengharapkan partisipasi dan peran serta Bapak/Ibu/Sdr dalam kegiatan ini.
Denpasar, 26 April 2003
Propinsi Bali
G.N. Surya Hadinata, A.Par.
Lampiran 1 :